1·The industry wide synchronized interactions of those local value chains create an extended value chain, sometimes global in extent.
2·Processes are coming to play an important role in on demand business transformation, for example in describing an executable long-running process for an extended value chain.
3·Particular emphasis on the integration of these dimensions across the entire enterprise, including product development, production, and the extended supply chain.
4·The competition among modern enterprises is increasingly fierce and has extended from products and services to enterprise internal value chain.
5·In the part of service chain, after learning measures for NMEs, it expounds fully extended service chain, superiority of service chain and restructure of service chain.
6·But, the traditional telecommunication value chain has been changed and extended gradually.
7·The objective of CPFR is to improve efficiencies across the extended supply chain, reducing inventories, improving service levels and increasing sales.
8·At high external field, the polyampholyte chain is more extended.
9·When the range is extended from the right to the left, a supply chain consists of the raw material supplier, the manufacturer, distribution and logistics, the retailer and the end -customer.
10·Large polymer extended-chain crystals have an important role that cannot be replaced in the study on low dimensional systems of physics.