file over




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1·File locking - The process of obtaining an exclusive lock on a file over a network.
2·Can you please return to your office and wait awhile, I'll sent the file over once I have finished it.
你可以先回你的办公室等一会,我做好了就给你送过去,好吗? 用…
3·If an application supports more than one dot file, the program typically applies precedence rules to favor one file over another.
4·For example, to determine the network bandwidth when transferring a file over the network using NFS, you can time a simple file transfer test.
5·The sar tool is useful for gathering network utilization statistics and recording snapshots of all utilization data to a file over a period of time.
sar 工具用于收集一段时间内的网络利用率统计数据,并将所有利用率数据的快照记录到一个文件。
6·This could occur if the bytecodes had been deliberately hacked, for example, or if an error had occurred when transferring the class file over a network.
7·Is there a way of perhaps passing on (and sub sequentially receiving) data from the file Transfer method, or even a way of passing a file over using jQuery AJAX?
有一种方法,也许通过(和子顺序接收)的文件传输方法的数据,甚至是一种通过文件在使用AJAX ?
8·You can then copy the file over using whatever method is appropriate, for example, copy the file over with cp and NFS, or transfer to a remote system with FTP or SFTP.
9·The speed of pulling one file over the wire on a request compared with the maintainability and findability of a style using an organized set of stylesheets remains a compromise.
10·It enabled file sharing over Bluetooth for up to 54 people - for example to trade files or play networked games.
更新时间:2025-03-26 08:07