1·If you start from the same point and follow the same route, the memorized items will come to your mind instantly as you look at the journey's selected features.
2·This is a poor route to follow.
3·VisLab carried a convoy of four autonomous vans, and sometimes operators in the lead vehicle would determine the route for the others to follow.
4·There are thousands of virtual points in the sky that pilots follow on their route, each with unique names so the air-traffic controllers can tell us where to go and how to get there.
5·They see a clear route forward and they want to follow it.
6·The crew will follow a meticulously planned east to west route across the equator to capture as much valuable sunshine as possible.
7·One of the crew turned on the motor because we were too weak, and then indicated the route we were to follow.
8·The pilot schemes initially follow the route of the new Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) between Mumbai and Delhi.
9·Arctic terns also follow a zigzagging route on their spring trips back to Greenland.
10·Rather than follow the conventional route of deriving an inflation forecast from an estimate of potential output, they do the opposite: they infer the output gap from the behaviour of inflation.