follow up survey




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1·Health record was also established by testing blood pressure and blood glucose in follow up survey.
2·The follow up survey period were from 1 to 3 years. After operation the pain of knees was decreased and the activity of knees was im…
关节清理术后随访1~ 3年,患者关节疼痛明显缓解,关节功能恢复良好,疗效满意。
3·An interesting point: in the follow up call, they reminded me immediately of the first survey.
4·The Gulf Long-Term Follow-Up Study will survey Gulf of Mexico residents who helped with the cleanup of last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill and follow them for at least 5 years.
5·In a recently published study (one survey conducted in 1993; the follow-up in 2009), researchers found that about 80 percent of participants younger than 30 years old dreamed in color.
6·The paper documents the study process, summarizes the survey results, and discusses the results of the follow-up interviews.
7·They did this by examining data from a national health survey that examined participants between 1971 and 1975, known as NHANES I, and from a follow-up survey years later.
他们从一个含有1971年至1975年的参与者的全国健康调查(即NHANES I,第一次全国健康和营养检查调查)和几年后随访调查中找寻数据。
8·A follow-up telephone survey was then carried out three months after the play was shown, to assess people's participation in preventing drug abuse.
9·A colleague and I are now in the process of conducting follow-up interviews with a selected group of journalists who participated in our 1999 survey.
10·With a much longer observation time than in the survey, the follow-up observation should show whether a new pulsar has been found or not with a very high level of confidence.
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:37