fragile x syndrome




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1·Dr Gina Gómez, from the National Autistic Society, said research into fragile X syndrome could help understanding of certain aspects of autism.
全国自闭症协会的 Gina Gómez 博士认为对于脆性 X 综合症的研究有助于理解自闭症的某些方面。
2·They were aggressive, slow learners, and kept convulsing in seizures-classic signs of Fragile X syndrome.
3·Conclusion the parents with mentally retarded students knew little about the fragile X syndrome, but whose acceptability of screening was high.
4·Dr Gina gomez DE la Cuesta, from the National Autistic Society, said research into fragile X syndrome could help understanding of certain aspects of autism.
全国孤独症协会的Gina gomez de la Cuesta博士认为对于脆性X综合症的研究有助于加深对孤独症的了解。
5·The PCR-Sequence gel silver staining was more rapid, immediate, simple and economy, which suits to the colony screening fragile X syndrome on a large scale.
运用PCR -序列分析胶银染法快速、直接、简便、实用,适合脆性X综合征的大规模群体筛查。
6·We hope and expect that, like other developmental disorders such as Fragile X syndrome, the use of mouse models will lead directly to clinical trials that can benefit patients.
我们希望并期待其他发育障碍,如x染色体脆弱症。 老鼠试验能够帮助进行对有益于病人的临床试验。
7·Results of phenotypical, patho-psychological and molecular-genetic analysis of the 53 probands with clinical features of the fragile X syndrome and 10 female carriers are presented.
8·Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.
9·Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4, 000 boys and one in every 6, 000 girls.
10·Further research of this method will introduce a more simple and rapid method for detecting male patients with fragile X syndrome. This method may be used for general population screening.
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:19