generation function

[数] 生成函数



[数] 生成函数
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1·The key manager encapsulates the surrogate key generation function.
2·Also reduces the external devices with integrated data generation function demand.
3·Setting the primary key to use the Identity Value Generation function has some other interesting things to be aware of.
设置主键值以使用Identity Value Generation功能,有一些很有意思需要注意的地方。
4·Insisting (Chen Tingwei) is an orphan from birth, would then have the power generation function, sudden, a lot of jokes.
5·Three new conceptions of blade channel contraction factor, whistling generation function and surging generation function are proposed.
6·The forecast model of Mean Generation Function (MGF) based on spring drought indexes was able to predict the drought occurrence for the East Gansu Province.
7·The invention provides a high-frequency cooker with steam-generation function which is installed on a water tank and a handle part can be disassembled easily.
本发明提供了一种安装于水箱上的把手部分很容易拆装、且带有蒸汽 发生功能的高频烹调器。
8·Acme's lead data and application architects want to use the DB2 Identity Value Generation function to remove that burden from the business logic of their various applications.
Acme的主要数据和程序结构想要使用DB 2 Identity Value Generation功能来从不同程序的业务逻辑这样的重担移去。
9·A supplementary variable technique is used to obtain the steady-state function and the steady-state probability generation function of the number of customer in the system.
10·A supplementary variable technique is used to obtain the steady-state function and the steady-state probability generation function of the number of customers in the system.
更新时间:2025-03-29 11:48