gestational weeks




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1·The uterine heights of 550 normal pregnant women at different gestational weeks were measured.
2·The situations of the placenta, amniotic fluid, and fetus should be frequently monitored after 40 gestational weeks.
3·Conclusion: The FS can be used as a biochemical index for estimating gestational weeks and evaluate feto-placental unit function.
结论: FS可作为估计孕周、判定胎儿-胎盘单位功能的一项生化指标。
4·Methods: By radioimmunoassay, maternal plasma CRH concentration was measured at different gestational weeks and pregnancy outcomes were followed up.
5·The birth prevalence rate had a 31.8 % decrease when births were calculated after 28 gestational weeks and compared with those from 20 gestational weeks.
6·Conclusion the treatment of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy should be varied in accordance with patient's condition and the number of gestational weeks.
7·Methods we retrospectively reviewed the data on the pregnant women who were screened by ultrasonography during 20 and 24 gestational weeks in three hospitals between 2003 and 2005.
方法采取回顾性调查方法,对2003 ~ 2005年在市级3家医院做超声筛查的孕20 ~ 24周的胎儿进行筛查情况分析。
8·The results of illness during gestational weeks, the weeks of termination of gestation, the weeks of delayed pregnancy, severe complications, the mortality of the fetus and neonates.
9·In the study, the authors examined 20 preterm infants with a mean gestational age at birth of 29 weeks (range 26-35) and who were otherwise medically stable.
在这项研究中,作者观察20个平均出生胎龄在29周(从26 - 35周不等)的早产儿,他们都必须是病情稳定。
10·It has not only been observed in infants and in newborns, but also in fetuses of 12-14 weeks' gestational age.
不仅婴儿和新生儿有呵欠行为,就连12 - 14周的胎儿也会打呵欠。
更新时间:2025-03-24 16:10