get the drop on





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1·No, he get the drop on me. Now he dumped me.
2·It was my fault for letting her get the drop on me.
3·Although they will occasionally get the drop on you, often you'll see certain mobs like the Fury scrambling towards you and you'll get a window of opportunity to take them out before they reach you.
4·Using stealth is a great way to get the drop on or just sneak by human enemies, and the quiet approach allows you to overhear some fascinating conversations that add interesting layers to the world.
5·You might get $30 per piece, but it all adds up, It is a rich area and people simply drop things, or their jewellery falls on the street, and it gets stuck in the mud or the gum.
这些黄金可能一片才30美元,但如果将它们熔炼在一起,价钱就大大提升了。 这是一片富裕区,而人们经常掉东西,他们的珠宝掉落在大街上,然后被泥土或口香糖卡住。
6·Or even skate into college, get rich and drop out to become the one of the richest undergraduates on the planet?
7·It's a shoe design, this one is a parachute design I say we drop this parachute first, because it may not break, the other one may break, I'll suggest that you actually just get up on the table?
8·So then what you get is a substantial drop in oxygen - that then has the consequences for fishers, for the productivity of coastlines and so on.
9·Many women drop off the career ladder at some point (usually to have children or to care for an elderly relative) and find it difficult to get back on again.
10·Being able to choose between driving directions or public transportation is a feature that lives on in Google Maps today - just look for the drop-down list next to the Get directions button.
能够选择驾驶向导或者公共交通是它的一个特性,该特性基于今天的Google Maps—只要查看紧邻Get Directions按钮的下拉菜单。
更新时间:2025-03-29 10:33