1·Thee mast was swaying about a bit more than I would like so I have added an extra guy rope and that seem to have stiffen it all up a bit.
2·This happened a couple of weeks ago when I was running with my team in New York's Central Park and we spotted a guy running while dragging a tire that was attached to a rope around his waist.
这让我认识到,“噢,与这些人比拟,我的跑步是不是太闲适了呀。” 那是两礼拜前,正与伙伴们在纽约中心公园跑步,我们发现一个腰上系着绳索拽着轮胎跑的人。
3·The back guy, the mooring rope, take the thing, to twist the screw even to turn around and so on the ground easy movement, appears in weightlessness outer space is slow and is slow.