handling device




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1·Exterior handling device for inserting the exterior joint on the interior joint.
2·The performances of the moment switch, the throttle handling device, the throttle servo device, and the wire-wheel assembly are concerned separately.
3·A modular material handling device that is built by late-model material and applied in automotive parts and components assembly production OS introduced.
4·A high-power rapid handling device comprises a caterpillar excavator with a main vertical arm and a swinging arm, and accessory mechanisms installed at the end of the swinging arm.
一种大功率快速装卸装置,其包括,带主立臂和摆臂的履带式挖掘 机;
5·The system also includes an event handling device adapted to receive signals from the monitoring device, including information corresponding to the identification of the monitoring device.
系统还包括事件处理设备,适用于从监控设备接收信号,该信 号包括与监控设备的标识相对应的信息。
6·Those familiar with a RAID are probably wondering what device (or controller) will be handling the disks and data.
7·This gives you different options for handling various devices and device groups, as well as handling language-, theme-, and skin-dependent issues.
8·A bottom half is a way to defer work from interrupt handling to be done later in a device driver.
bottom half方法可以将设备驱动程序中的工作延迟到中断处理后执行。
9·The device, capable of handling 2,500 users, one million concurrent sessions and 25,000 new sessions per second, is marketed for use in campus networks, distributed environments and data centers.
该设备,可处理2500,100万并发会话及25 000每秒新建会话,标记为用于园区网络、分布式环境及数据中心。
10·There are some qualities of Transcoding Technology's XSL handling that make it very useful for multi-device scenarios.
代码转换技术的 XSL 处理的一些特性使得它对于多设备情况来说很有用。
更新时间:2025-03-10 15:19