hold trial




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1·The judge then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial.
2·The World Expo organizers will hold five trial operations in April to minimize the possibility of things going wrong.
3·The judge later decided on an interim hearing on April 7 when both the prosecutor and the defense lawyer will present their evidence. The court also agreed to hold the trial from June 2-4.
主法官随后决定在4月7日再举行一次庭审,届时控方及被告方需提供充分的证据,同时将此案的正式审理定在6月2 - 4日。
4·But they didn't succeed, at first because the facts and their outcome as laid out at the trial horrified them so much, and later because the numbness began to take hold.
5·Each quadrant is further divided in 4 zones, Adopt, Trial, Assess, and Hold, each suggesting what to do with the respective technology.
6·For reasons that remain unclear, the case was heard by a military court, where the judge tried to hold the trial in private, claiming that the jury was afraid of being seen on television.
7·In a trial rife with controversy, Chin noted that it was pointless to hold a hearing on a settlement when key points were still being negotiated with the Department of Justice.
8·Testifying at the Apple-Samsung trial in August, Apple's marketing chief confirmed Apple's patented marketing strategy: hold off on the advertising, just sit back and let the media go hog wild.
9·The key to the time trial is to reach maximum speed as quickly as possible and hold it for as long as possible.
10·The golden herb saffron may hold the key to preventing the loss of sight in the elderly, a world first trial by researchers at the University of Sydney and in Italy has found.
更新时间:2025-03-25 04:28