hollow concrete




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1·The article analyzes the causes of the cracks in the hollow concrete block and makes discourse on how to cure these cracks.
2·A model at 1/6 scale of a 7-story hollow concrete block masonry building was designed and fabricated by theory of similitude.
按相似理论设计制作了1/ 6比例七层混凝土小型空心砌块房屋整体模型。
3·Composite hollow concrete block with bearing and energy saving is one of the satisfactory new wall materials for building energy saving.
4·The utility model discloses an auto-cutting type extruder for hollow concrete products, which comprises a narrow plate extruder and a wide plate extruder.
5·The invention can be applied to hollow concrete structures such as roofs, foundation floors, concrete walls and bridges, especially to project of hollow floor slabs.
适用于各种楼 盖、屋盖、基础底板、砼墙体、桥梁等空心砼结构中,特别适用于空 心砼楼盖工程中。
6·In contrast to the defects of traditional road construction, the authors suggest a new type of road structure system known as the continuous hollow concrete panel road.
7·The test results showed that temperature preservation and heat insulation of general hollow concrete brick walls were preferably and reached the level of solid clay brick walls.
8·Based on the experimental results on shaking table, the earthquake response of the prototype structure of 7-story hollow concrete block building is estimated by theory of similitude.
9·Hollow concrete is a well performance novel road base material, and the corresponding asphalt pavement with hollow concrete water drainage substrate is a novel road pavement structure.
10·This paper expounds the making technology and technical properties of a new compound block which USES the hollow concrete block as the shell and is filled with foam concrete in its cores.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:30