1·Because of assailing Jiang ling county, in the mistake, the evil plot, rolls up horse and foot.
2·So she vanquished them, horse and foot, just as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell.
3·"Douce David Deans" was routed horse and foot, and lay at the mercy of his grasping landlord just at the time that Benjamin Bulter died.
4·Roaming up and down, round and round, he at length heard a slight movement of the horse close at hand; and the sleeve of his overcoat unexpectedly caught his foot.
5·He looked down at her foot and saw how the blood was running out of her shoe, and how it had stained her white stocking all red. Then he turned his horse around and took the false bride home again.
6·Some 350,000 visitors are drawn each year by foot, cycle and horse trails, a rustic cafe and "Go Ape!", a commercial aerial playground.
7·The horse slams his foot back into the boat to stabilize it. Anna and Hans tumble the other way. Anna lands on top of him.
8·Behind a horse to run in very slowly, the original is its foot hoof Pei, and the owner seems to have known the horse situation, we will not beat horses, I'm so pleased with horses!
9·He walked up to the horse and put his foot in the stirrup.
10·Unlike other hoofed mammals, zebras and their horse relatives have only one toe on each foot.