hsbc holdings




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1·HSBC Holdings Plc said last week the possibility of another rate increase is rising.
2·Other bank stocks, such as Barclays PLC and HSBC Holdings PLC, fell, though not as sharply.
巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank PLC)及汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings)等银行的股票也未能幸免,只不过它们的跌幅较小。
3·HSBC Holdings Plc and BNP Paribas SA led bank shares higher after the U.S. payrolls data.
4·HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe's biggest bank, may soon be the first foreign company to list in Shanghai.
5·In London, HSBC Holdings fell 4.3 percent, Royal Bank of Scotland declined 4.2 percent and Barclays fell 3.9 percent.
6·Analysts at HSBC Holdings PLC said Wednesday that the average asking price for homes in Dubai fell 4% in October from September.
汇丰控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings PLC)的分析师周三称,迪拜10月份住宅平均要价比9月下降4%。
7·HSBC Holdings acquisition of Midland Bank gave HSBC Group a significant market presence in the United Kingdom which was completed in 1992.
8·The debt facility was provided by Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of Scotland Plc, Credit Agricole SA, HSBC Holdings Plc and Societe Generale SA.
凯恩能源从英国渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)、苏格兰银行、法国农业信贷银行、英国汇丰银行和法国兴业银行获得了信贷额度。
9·Sir John Bonds exited HSBC holdings in June 2006 and since then the share price has declined 50%, despite an Asian boom and has limped from crisis to crisis.
10·Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc and Barclays Capital are managing the new bond issue and Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets and HSBC Holdings Plc are joint bookrunners.
苏格兰皇家银行和巴克莱投资银行成为此次发售新债券的承销商,劳埃德银行企业市场机构(Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets)和汇丰银行成为发售债券的联合簿记管理人。
更新时间:2025-03-10 03:28