hydrocarbon gas




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1·Compared with foe acidolysis hydrocarbon, geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon gas and hydrogen gas are described.
2·Natural gas in Yingnan Gas Reservoir 2 is mainly composed of hydrocarbon gas, it belongs to wet gas with high hydrocarbon content.
3·The vapor is injected to prevent the oxygen and the hydrocarbon gas from contacting each other in the manufacturing of molten iron.
将蒸汽注入以防止在铁水的制造中氧气和 烃气互相接触。
4·Washington - a colorless hydrocarbon gas, methane doesn't get nearly the attention that its partner in crime, carbon dioxide, receives.
5·The phase behavior experiment shows that the hydrocarbon gas injection makes the results of visbreaking and swell of reservoir fluid obvious in Gao 13 Block.
6·The solubility of hydrocarbon gas in some brand of polyethylene is calculated by Henry 's law to give nitrogen flow from purging bin in PE plant of different scale.
7·The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing molten iron by injecting a hydrocarbon gas and an apparatus for manufacturing molten iron using the same.
本发明涉及用于通过注入烃气制造铁水的方法和用于使用该种方 法制造铁水的设备。
8·The geological conditions of forming the two hydrocarbon-bearing nonhydrocarbon gas reservoirs found in Nanpanjiang Basin in recent years are discussed in the paper.
9·It is applied to gasoline, hydrocarbon gas, hydrogen as well as hydrogen and hydrocarbon mixed gas, especially gasoline raw material in the gasoline fuel battery system.
10·The project started out with a Ph.D candidate, Riccardo Signorelli, using tweezers to put tiny squares of aluminum into a vacuum chamber and then pumping in a hydrocarbon gas.
这个项目是由博士研究生richccardo Signoreli首创的,他用镊子把正方形的小块铝片放到真空室中,然后鼓入烃气。
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:35