1·The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling.
2·Today we’re speaking with Robert Hirsch, a research hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, or USGS.
3·Obtained the services of a hydrologist to evaluate the groundwater tritium plume and to make recommendations for tracking the plume.
4·Hydrologist John Mullaney, of the USGS's Connecticut water Science Center, says that the data further clarify how urbanization affects waterways.
5·Until now, he's been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.
6·Until now, he’s been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.