in a MO




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1·Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province.
2·Mo Yan was born into a family in Shandong in 1955.
3·Since May 8, Boston Dynamics' dog-like robot, Spot, has been in use at Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park in Singapore to help encourage social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠肺炎疫情) according to a report in the South China Morning Post.
4·Mo 'at still stands in a kind of trance amongst the tendrils of the central tree.
Mo ' at仍然出神的站在祭坛的中心冥想。
5·Ms. Wehmeier and her husband, Gary, are renting a modest apartment this summer while they fix up a house they just bought in Des Peres, Mo.
今年夏天,梅琪和她丈夫盖瑞(Gary)要给刚在密苏里州Des Peres买的房子装修,于是租了一个小房子过渡一下。
6·“The power lines have gone down — we can’t reach anyone there, ” Bill Davis, a meteorologist at the Springfield, Mo., office of the National Weather Service, said in a telephone interview.
7·But Ling Yu, who runs the business with a Mo, insisted: "We know there is nothing but air in the bottles, and so do our customers." People can put their own problems into them.
8·Mo Fan, the grandson of a Chinese entrepreneur, is one of four squad commanders at Randolph-Macon Academy in Chicago.
9·"It's like when you're in a dark restaurant and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror behind the bar," said fashion designer Laura McGrew, of Tomboy Design Studio in Kansas City, Mo.
10·In the boom years, Sheikh mo, as he is known among Dubai's expats, happily confessed to having "learned from Las Vegas" the secret of building a new consumer paradise.
在繁荣时期,迪拜外籍人士所称的穆酋长(Sheikh Mo)愉快地承认“向拉斯维加斯学习到了”建设一个新的消费天堂的奥秘。
更新时间:2025-03-28 11:37