incoming flow

[流] 来流



[流] 来流
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1·When every incoming flow has a token waiting, a token is produced on the output.
2·It requires technology, staffing, protocols, and detailed processes to manage the incoming flow of information.
3·Their arrangement puts two sensors at each intersection: One measures incoming flow and one measures outgoing flow.
4·The test Reynolds number based on the incoming flow and the blade chord was 100000. The measured results were analyzed in conjunction with the flow fields mapped by using five hole probe.
并结合以前通过五孔针测量取得的流场进行了分析, 得出了该叶栅中紊流参数的变化规律。
5·With the rise of the incoming flow velocity, the plasma effect decreases. So in order to obtain an effective flow control using plasma, the intensity of the electric field must be strengthened.
6·The features of flow field were investigated under various flow rate Q and incoming flow height Hin. The recirculation length and the length at which the flow reaches to uniform flow were measured.
7·A map can be used at the very start of the process to map the incoming data flow to one or more repositories to hold the data so that it can be accessed by the other steps in the process.
8·Autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) provides flow control for incoming workload.
9·However, when the workflow process is viewed in FileNet, the map will not appear as an element of the flow: it is transformed into just the mapping of the incoming data into data fields.
10·Once you have completed the wizard your DataPower box will be able to decrypt incoming messages to your flow and encrypt outgoing messages from your message flow.
在完成向导后,DataPower 框将能够解密传入消息流的消息和加密从消息流传出的消息。
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:55