influenza vaccine




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1·A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children.
2·In a clinical trial, immunization with the licensed influenza vaccine containing squalene did not affect the frequency or titre of anti-squalene antibodies.
3·There are other qualified vaccine manufacturers who are preparing to make influenza a (H1N1) vaccine, but do not yet have a licensed seasonal influenza vaccine.
4·If the vaccine is made with the same processes as the seasonal influenza vaccine, and in the same manufacturing plant, this can be very rapid (one to two days).
如果新疫苗像季节流感疫苗同样的加工过程制造的,并且是在同一制造厂制造的,这就能非常迅速(1 - 2天)。
5·Finally, people who have received influenza vaccine can later have an illness, caused by other common viruses that are not influenza, but be mistaken for the flu.
6·The facility is approved for seasonal influenza vaccine production and could be used for the production of vaccine against the new 2009 H1N1 influenza strain.
该基地已被批准生产季节性流感疫苗产品和可用于抵抗新的2009 H1N1型流感病毒株的疫苗产品。
7·If the vaccine is made with the same processes as the seasonal influenza vaccine, and in the same manufacturing plant, this can be very rapid (one to two days).
8·Since 1997, an influenza vaccine (FLUAD, Chiron) which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose, has been approved in health agencies in several European countries.
角鲨烯最先于1997年被用于一种流感疫苗FLUAD, Chiron Corporation生产,每剂疫苗含10 mg角鲨烯。该疫苗由几个欧洲国家的卫生部门批准上市。
9·We also found significant increases in antibody titers to influenza vaccine among subjects in the meditation compared with those in the wait-list control group.
10·Currently, there is no vaccine for influenza A. the seasonal influenza vaccine is a mix to prevent the strains most likely to go around during an upcoming flu season.
更新时间:2025-03-25 22:15