installation plan




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1·The objective of outdoors advertisement installation plan is to standardize city outdoors advertisement installation, to protect city's appearance city appearance, to beautify the city environment.
2·Remo is developing a clean growth plan that includes environmental regulations that will require the installation of such systems.
Remo 正在制定一项促进清洁计划,其中包括需要安装此类系统的环境法规。
3·Manage execution of the facilities plan and associated deliveries, construction, and installation.
4·Before applying a TL, always create a backup of you current installation, and plan on a worst case scenario-on restoring that backup if needed to rollback the system to the previous level.
5·To begin the installation of Plan 9 to Bochs, start Bochs with the -q option (to skip the start menu) in the same directory as your disk image, ISO image, and bochsrc file
要开始将 Plan 9 安装到 Bochs,在与您的磁盘映像、ISO 映像和 bochsrc 文件相同的目录中通过 -q 选项(以便跳过启动菜单)启动 Bochs
6·The Plan 9 operating system requires a significant amount of space for its installation, so specify a 700mb disk followed by the name of the hard disk file (c.img).
对于Plan 9安装来说,其操作系统需要大量的空间,因此根据硬盘文件的名称(c.i mg)指定700 MB的磁盘。
7·Prepare for a Plan 9 installation.
为Plan 9安装做准备。
8·Our goal is to help you understand these two components, to allow you to better plan your Workplace Web Content Management installation.
我们的目的是帮助您了解这两个组件,使您能够更好地计划您的Workplace Web Content Management安装。
9·As the installation continues, Plan 9 goes through a variety of configuration and installation steps.
随着安装的继续进行,Plan 9经过了各种不同的配置和安装步骤。
10·Go to the root directory of your Geronimo installation in a new console window. Type the following to deploy the deployment plan.
更新时间:2025-03-29 17:33