1·ESP protects the entire inner IP packet and header.
2·It authenticates and encrypts each IP packet flowing through the network.
3·The IP packet can now be delivered using the destination hardware address.
4·Under normal circumstances, you do not see a plain IP packet traveling over a network.
5·To leverage VLAN tagging the operating system adds a VLAN ID tag to each TCP/IP packet.
为了利用 VLAN 标签技术,操作系统会给每一个 TCP/IP 数据包添加一个 VLAN ID。
6·One of the bottlenecks of the router performance is the IP packet forwarding speed.
7·Plain IP packet, or IP datagram: IP packets are used to encapsulate any of the following protocols.
普通 IP 包或IP 数据报:IP 包可用来封装以下任何协议。
8·The integrity of data within the original IP packet is maintained during compression and decompression.
在压缩和解压缩的过程中保持了原始 IP 包的数据完整性。
9·Since we are looking for IP packets, we can check for IP packets by looking at the Ethernet packet type.
因为我们寻找的是 IP 数据包,所以我们能通过检查 Ethernet 数据包类型来检查 IP 数据包。
10·This paper presents a design method of fast IP packet forwarding components and their implementation.