1·Corporations can issue bonds.
2·Began to issue bonds by Syndicate underwriting in 1991.
1991年开始采用承购包销方式 发行国债。
3·This doomed the majority of real estate enterprises to issue bonds dreams hard won.
4·Greece and Ireland have lost the confidence of markets, even though both issue bonds in euros.
5·Article 9 a tic shall not be allowed to take deposits, issue bonds or borrow from abroad.
6·Japan expects to issue bonds to help pay for the disaster, which left alsmot 28,000 people dead or missing.
日本预计将发行债券以帮助支付灾难后的重建。 这场灾难导致将近2万8千人死亡或失踪。
7·The EFSF will issue bonds that are ultimately backed by the credit ratings of the 17-member nations of the euro zone.
8·That may require new tools: the gw gold Federal Reserve would gain from being able to issue bonds that could mop up liquidity.
9·Therefore, the need to public law principles, the main issue bonds, bond content and regulatory procedures to limit and regulate.
10·Greece could issue bonds at nearly the same yield as could its Northern hard-working neighbors, but were free to spend it any way they chose.