issue of check




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1·The second issue is data security because there is no check of roles or users to ensure proper access to the data.
2·This is not an issue in modern Linux distributions, but check the output of nfsstat on the server to see if any NFSv2 calls are being made.
在现代的 Linux 发行版中这应该不是问题,但是可以在服务器上检查 nfsstat 的输出,了解是否有任何 NFSv2 调用。
3·The obvious issue is that the NULL check must be part of the while loop.
明显的问题是 NULL 检查必须放在 while 循环中。
4·If you are stuck because you have a vague sense of a seemingly important issue, do a quick check with this reference and you may be able to move forward with your ideas.
5·Be sure to check the December 2024 issue of the Rational Edge, which will have my retrospective on software development in the first two decades of the twenty-first century.
请确认核对了2024年十二月Rational Edge的论题,这将会有我的关于二十一世纪每一个二十年的软件开发回顾展。
6·Check out our photos here for more insight into the event, and be sure to check out full coverage in the next issue of ONE.
7·Check out Lester's Informix DBA column in this issue for more tidbits, and let us know what you think of the new version, and what you're most excited about.
查阅这一期Lester的Informix dba专栏,了解更多趣闻,让我们知道您对新版本的想法以及您最喜爱的特性。
8·Thankfully they did check in with me today and I have the response to many of your questions and concerns surrounding this issue.
9·Upon delivery to us of your Baggage which you wish to check we will take custody of and issue a Baggage Identification Tag for each piece of your Checked Baggage.
10·We could then have the ridiculous situation of having to issue free tickets to enable us to check that people were not on the fiddle.
更新时间:2025-03-10 12:12