key button




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1·Open the activity document again and click on the Initialize Key button.
再次打开活动文档,并单击 Initialize Key按钮。
2·Clicking the remove key button will remove only the current keyframe.
3·Once you have verified the values are correct, click the generate key button to generate the key.
在验证值正确无误后,请单击Generate Key按钮生成密钥。
4·Specify the values required for the key as shown in Figure 13 and described below, then click the Review key button.
指定密钥所需的值(如图13所示,下面对这些值进行了描述),然后单击Review Key按钮。
5·Immediately after clicking the generate key button, the new private key is generated and will appear in the Keystore contents portlet (Figure 12).
单击Generate Key按钮后,会立即生成新的私钥,并显示在Keystore contents portlet中(图12)。
6·You can also find the power button and lock screen key on this squiggly cable, as well as another microphone for noise cancellation and improved voice quality.
7·Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belch will issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.
我们假设你不会把钥匙搞丢,那么只需按钥匙上的红色按钮就行了。 然后你就会听见从你的啤酒杯托发出一声响亮的打嗝声。
8·A black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard — the round aluminum power button is gone.
9·The team similarly tested and refined the mouse's other key components, from the audible and tactile click of the mouse button to the rubberized coating on the ball.
10·Suppose your remote car door opener does not have the range to reach your car across the parking lot. Hold the metal key part of your key fob against your chin, then push the unlock button.
更新时间:2025-03-26 14:59