1·They compare average temperatures at any given time and place to a long-term average, or base period, for each area.
2·The authors of the current study turned their attention to long-term sleep loss, and examined whether the effects of such constant sleep deprivation could be erased with an extended resting period.
3·And we don't know whether that information is a good representation of the long-term behavior of stocks or whether the period we're looking at is a total outlier.
4·Consider this: Personal consumption in real terms is 11% below its long-term trend, based on the 1997-2007 period.
5·But these new neurons helped to form long-term memories and bonds, as the mouse fathers easily recognized their offspring by smell even after they had been separated for a long period of time.
6·At the end of this period, participants came to the laboratory with their partners and, while being videotaped together, were asked to describe the short or long-term future of their relationship.
7·Use of land shall be permitted to investors, including long-term leases of up to a period of 70 years, renewable upon request.
8·Return on sales was significantly positively related to change in CSP for the third financial period, indicating that long-term financial benefits may exist when CSP is improved.
9·Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.
10·Performance Warehouse saves historical monitoring data consisting of DB2 snapshot data, DB2 event monitor data, and configuration data over a long period of time (long-term history).
Performance Warehouse保存的历史监控数据由较长时间的(长期历史)DB 2快照数据、DB2事件监控数据和配置数据组成。