1·Spiders have eight eyes, four pairs of legs, and can grow a new leg if they lose one.
2·Thanks to developmental programs that say "lose the leg", these features disappear later in development.
3·That meant that if she didn't starve, she might soon lose her leg - or, more realistically in a village with no medical clinic, simply die of the infection.
4·"She'll lose that leg," Enzo heard one of the EMTs, whose face was blanched white from the cold, say.
5·Lose an arm, lose a leg, lose the brain — he is not alive.
6·Once you weaken one leg, the stool begins to lose its balance and fall.
7·Apparently not left leg movements, that will make you lose your balance.
8·For individuals who lose an arm or leg and rely on prosthetics, implanted stimulators offer promise in restoring feelings of sensation.
9·Very funny. I told you, I get it! I want to lose FAT, not muscles and bones. I need my leg!
10·"Now," said Jack, "I must not lose this donkey as I did that leg of mutton yesterday."