macro data




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1·At the same time, collecting a lot of the latest macro data for the empirical basis for analysis.
2·'Much of the sequential slowdown is probably already happening even though it hasn't shown up broadly in the macro data yet,' he said in a report.
3·And even on this point, the optimists who saw the bottom at mid-year are becoming more cautious as the latest batch of U. S. and global macro data has been, at best, mixed.
4·I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data - obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.
5·A configuration file (called a HATS macro) defines the data that is required from the screens of the host application.
6·Figure 4 presents an Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) that gives you the macro view of the company's simplified data requirements and operations.
图4是一个实体关系图(Entity Relational Diagram, ERD),给出了公司简化的数据需求及操作宏观视图。
7·Flex has the useful macro YY_INPUT, which reads data for token interpretation.
8·The defrecord macro, introduced along with protocols in Clojure 1.2, can be used to create containers for structured data that combine the features of maps and classes.
defrecord宏在Clojure 1.2中随协议引入,可用于为结构化数据创建结合了映射和类功能的容器。
9·In the Direct Connection pattern, there are two roles: the initiator (in our case, the Microsoft Word macro) and the provider (in our case, the J2EE application that is serving the data).
在直接连接的模式中有两个角色:启动者(initiator)(在我们的情况中是Microsoft Word的宏)和提供者(provider)(在我们的情况中是提供数据的J2EE应用程序)。
10·I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data-obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.
更新时间:2025-03-26 05:52