make up the order




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1·Unfortunately, Bottger failed to achieve this and soon gave up, but in order to please the king he attempted to make high-quality porcelain.
2·Don't be defensive with this person; it could trigger a fight, and try to make yourself an important part of his or her world in order to keep up the relationship.
3·The counterfeiters simply falsify the delivery papers by adding an extra zero to the quantity supplied, then they make up the difference by adding their own boxes to the order.
4·But if you do view two or three platforms with a very high priority, and you're willing to make the extra effort in order to stack up against native alternatives, this may be the way to go.
5·The insight is an intuitive one—threatening someone to convince him not to attack you is much more likely to work than threatening him in order to make him give up something he cares about.
6·To make up the difference, Mr Obama will create a deficit commission by executive order, charged with making recommendations for long-run budget sustainability.
7·He claimed that he could tell a person's stress level and psychological make-up by the order the color was chosen or paired with another color.
8·In order to understand whether this high value was caused by a few extremely large mortgages, or many smaller ones, you may want to see the individual mortgages that make up this number.
9·Such unknowns make it possible for seemingly long-gone data to turn up in a court under the order of a subpoena, or worse, in the hands of a hacker.
10·Since banks that specialise in consumer loans usually sell them to other institutions in order to free up capital to make more loans, the secondary market in this form of credit has been growing fast.
更新时间:2025-03-28 07:52