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[电] 稳压器,[物] 恒压器
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  • 稳压器
1·Manostat module USES AMS-1117 as manostat chip.
稳压电源模块采用AMS - 1117作为稳压电源芯片。
2·This manostat can serve as a TTL circuit or MCU circuitry of power sources.
3·A manostat output voltage and maximum output current depends on the selected three end stabilizer.
4·Discusses the DC manostat used in the DC system at Yimin Power Plant in terms of safety and reliability.
5·It introduces the working theory of AC manostat of compensated transformer mode, the design of the hardware circuit and the function of the software.
6·The dc voltage after LM7805 on voltage stability and C3 filtering was manostat an output terminal of the produced high precision, stability good dc output voltage.
此直流电压经过LM 7805的稳压和C3的滤波便在稳压电源的输出端产生了精度高、稳定度好的直流输出电压。
7·It introduces a design and implementation of constant temperature control system which based on L4960 single chip switching integration manostat and AD590 temperature sensor.
介绍了基于单片开关式集成稳压器l 4960和温度传感器ad590的一种恒温控制系统的设计和实现方法。
8·Expounds the principle of audio frequency power amplifier is designed for manostat, preamplifier, volume control, power amplifier four parts digital power amplifier megaphone.
9·It is shown that choosing LM317 to be the manostat, the PIN diodes to be the photodetector, and the I-V transformation to be the connective mode, the designing index can be fulfilled.
测试结果表明:选择LM 317作稳压器,PIN光电二极管作探测器,采用I V光电转换连接光电探测器与放大器的方式,可以满足设计要求。
10·The temperature control system based on DS18B20 adopts C8051F020 and its external interface circuit to carry out the measurement control for direct current manostat power temperature.
基于DS18B20的温度控制系统,利用C8051F 020及其外围接口电路对直流稳压电源温度进行测量控制。
1·Discusses the DC manostat used in the DC system at Yimin Power Plant in terms of safety and reliability.
2·It introduces the working theory of AC manostat of compensated transformer mode, the design of the hardware circuit and the function of the software.
3·SVC high precision automatic AC manostatSummary SVC series single-phase high precision automatic AC manostat consists of contact voltage switch, sampling control circuit and safe motor.
概述 SVC系列单相高精度全自动会谈稳压器是由接触调压器、取样操纵电路和伺服电机合成;
更新时间:2025-03-29 00:27