1·Whereas people used to put anonymous fliers under windscreen-wipers at malls, now anyone can mount an anonymous attack nationwide.
2·Newer modifications include Blind XPath injection, which reduces the knowledge required to mount the attack.
3·Krebs on Security reports that for a few hundred dollars you can go to an underground forum and hire someone (evidently Russian) to mount a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on a site.
Krebs on Security报告称,只需几百美元,你就能到地下论坛上雇个人(显然是俄罗斯人),对某个网站发起分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)。
4·To mount an attack like this on Pakistani soil opens a very prickly subject for the Pakistanis. Some of India's most wanted live within Pakistan's borders.
5·To mount a frontal attack was a doubtful proposition when the enemy was very strong.
6·For example, in the simplest case, network sniffing is used to obtain passwords, and those passwords are then used to mount an application-level attack.
7·Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have discovered the therapeutic benefit of fetal stem cells in helping the maternal heart recover after heart attack or other injury.
8·To mount an attack on a Planetary Fortress takes quite a good number of units.
9·Upon encountering their specific peptide, t lymphocytes multiply and mount an attack against the pathogen.
10·For example, an attacker could mount an attack by supplying a semicolon and appending an additional value.