1·In its wake, the first multicellular animals arose.
2·What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure.
3·If that's true, modern choanoflagellates give us a glimpse of how multicellular animals began.
4·Summary: In the animal world, many multicellular animals have cancer but sharks never get cancer.
5·Here, we investigate whether similar principles influence the evolution of signaling networks in multicellular animals.
6·The authors of the study expect to find other multicellular animals far beneath our planet's surface, and are preparing to descend again to search for others.
7·Lateral gene transfer from one organism to another is rare, especially in multicellular animals, he said, but could be part of some evolutionary process for the sturgeon.
8·Students in this major study the genetics of multicellular animals. They compare the genetic codes of different animals and approach the topic from experimental, medical, and veterinary perspectives.
9·Comparative genomics shows that sodium channel and pump proteins evolved just before multicellular animals arose, implying that control of electrolyte balancing was a crucial event in life's history.