napoleonic Wars




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1·There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars, but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.
2·The Dutch gained control in '34, although the British held the island during the Napoleonic Wars (807-85). Oil refining and tourism are the major industries.
荷兰人在' 34年获得了对该岛的控制权,而英国在拿破仑战争期间(807 - 85年)占据了该岛。
3·They were born in the years just after the Napoleonic wars-charlotte was born in the year after Waterloo (1815), the victory of her hero, the Duke of Wellington.
4·The Napoleonic wars: lost. Temporary victories (remember the first rule!) due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British footwear designer.
5·The Polish Legions serving alongside the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars saw combat in most of Napoleon's campaigns, from the West Indies, through Italy and Egypt.
6·The etchings are the work of James Gillray, one of Britain's most famous and ruthless caricaturists, who flourished at the time of the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars.
7·After the Napoleonic Wars, Europe's major powers all accepted that each of them had more to lose from any disruption to the international "system" than they could possibly gain.
拿破仑战争(Napoleonic Wars)之后,欧洲大国都承认,对国际“体系”的任何破坏,都会使它们当中任何一国失大于得。
8·And it suited Britain and France to have a new, neutral state rather than a source of instability that might, so soon after the Napoleonic wars, set off more turbulence in Europe.
9·Probably the most 'mainstream' entry on this list, the Temeraire series, by Naomi Novik, is an alternative history of the Napoleonic Wars, following a British captain named Laurence.
10·It is worthwhile to note that, during the Napoleonic Wars, French soldiers complained that, though they were often hungry, there was always food for Napoleon's favourite horse, Nicoll.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:43