network connect




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1·For the universal ability of network connect, UNCS is divided into two layers, Kernel layer and Adapter layer, and they have different target.
2·Electronic book readers must have some method of downloading books: The Amazon Kindle USES a cellular-based network connection to connect directly to Amazon's server.
电子图书阅读器必须通过某种方式下载图书:Amazon Kindle使用一种基于手机的网络连接来直接连接到Amazon的服务器。
3·Large networks attack can be researched base on the graph theory, because the character of its network connect and route of spread is related closely to weighted and oriented graph.
4·Nowadays we live in increasingly connected world. However, our client applications cannot obtain network connect in many cases, or need to work explicitly disconnecting from the network.
5·I usually have my laptop resting on my knee and connect to the local wireless network.
6·This will increase capacity to connect the cell towers to AT&T's main network.
这将增加将手机信号塔连接到 AT&T 主网络的能力。
7·It is a new network after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G and it can connect everyone and everything together.
这是继 1G、2G、3G 和 4G 之后新的网络通信技术。该技术可以将所有人、所有事联系在一起。
8·You could also connect people together from your network.
9·"As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today, " said Sony in a statement.
“可能你们已经知道了,现在有一些用户不能够连接到索尼的游戏网络平台” ,索尼官方声明中说。
10·A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web server.
更新时间:2025-03-24 21:43