nominal GDP




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1·M3 rose by 11.5% in the year to January, nearly three times as fast as the 4% or so rate of nominal GDP growth that is consistent with 2% inflation.
M3比1月份上升了11.5% %,这差不多是在名义GDP大约以4%增长且通胀应维持在2%的时候的三倍速度。
2·Meanwhile prime lending rates, at 7.47%, remain bizarrely divorced from nominal GDP growth, which stood at over 22% year on year in the second quarter.
同时银行的最低贷款利率为7.47 %,而名义GDP与去年二季度环比增长超过22 %,两者之间有天壤之别。
3·First there is normally a rough relationship between yields, currently 3.3% for ten-year Treasury bonds, and nominal GDP growth projected at around 5% a year.
4·Partly as result of such entrenched deflation, and the associated waning of risk appetite, nominal GDP in Japan is at its lowest level since the first quarter of 1991.
5·Persistently negative nominal GDP growth tied to a global economic slowdown and intensifying deflation is a phenomenon not seen globally since the Great Depression.
6·It notes that global interest rates are still well below nominal GDP growth (see chart), whereas throughout the inflation-busting 1980s and 1990s they were mostly higher.
7·The gap between the performance of inflation and that of nominal GDP is so big that some economists, such as Scott Sumner of Bentley University, are dusting off an old idea.
通胀和名义GDP之间的巨大鸿沟使得一些经济学家,比如Bentley大学的Scott Sumner开始考虑摒弃一个旧观念。
8·On that basis Mr White thinks the Fed was right to pursue the first round of quantitative easing, since nominal GDP was falling, but wrong to pursue a second round with activity recovering.
9·But a close look at the data suggests that the problem was mostly caused by extremely rapid nominal GDP growth, which actually tended to slow during energy shock periods like 1974 and 1980.
10·If nominal GDP fell below the target growth rate in one year, central Banks would seek to make up for that in subsequent years - in effect, following a path for overall nominal spending.
更新时间:2025-03-25 19:42