obligatory course




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  • 必修课
1·The mathematics is obligatory course inside the school.
2·Introduction to Comparative Literature is an obligatory course intended for the first year graduate students of British and American Literature.
3·How to implement subjective mode of teaching in teaching of gymnastics as an obligatory course was researched by contrasted experiments in this paper.
4·Want to pick a star child, loneliness is our obligatory course, I am not afraid of their effort is not good, I am afraid than I good people more than I do.
5·As an obligatory course, Public Relations has been teaching in administration major of colleges and universities, and nobody could ignore its importance, but its current situation is very awkward.
6·“She's not convincing,” says the owner, serving up an obligatory four-course meal, including boeuf bourguignon and chips, for euro11 ($15), while keeping an eye on her television soap.
“她并不让人信服,”主人说着,端出必备的四菜餐食,其中包括价值11欧元(合15美元)的红酒洋葱炖牛肉(boeuf bourguignon)和炸薯条,与此同时,一只眼还盯着她的肥皂剧。
7·Thee duration lasts 19 months. Students are required to finish the core subject, obligatory subject and relevant optional course stipulated in teaching plan.
学习期限19个月, 罹要求学员修完教学计划规定的核心课程、必修课程及相关选修课程。
8·Participation in the weekly laboratory session is an integral part of the course and attendance is obligatory.
1·Want to pick a star child, loneliness is our obligatory course, I am not afraid of their effort is not good, I am afraid than I good people more than I do.
2·As an obligatory course, Public Relations has been teaching in administration major of colleges and universities, and nobody could ignore its importance, but its current situation is very awkward.
更新时间:2025-03-29 11:43