1·The invention discloses a digital observation mirror for an ammeter.
2·In this situation, the mirror neurons that responded before only to the observation of an action within the monkey's reach completely stopped firing.
3·And the mirror neurons that responded only to the observation of an action outside of the monkey's reach now fired vigorously, no matter where the experimenter grasped the object.
4·These are important results because they demonstrate a mirror neuron response to the meaning of an action and not just the observation of one.
5·Observation eyepiece consists of concave mirror and a separate gate is formed, in the eyepiece can be seen at the same time the two semicircle color, its left for the sample color.
6·He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.
7·ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror system during the task of observation or emotional cognition.
8·The Mould Cultivation Cabinet is with digital display, high and low temperature controlled by microcomputer, mirror finish stainless steel inner with observation window, compressor delay, and timer.
9·If you are wise enough, your observation in the rear view mirror will tell you to speed down a little.
10·The imaging system consists of a color video camera, an observation window and a turning mirror, a wide-angle collector and collimating lens, a video capture card as well as a portable computer.