offline browser




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1·This will tell you when the online or offline status of the browser changes.
2·Offline - the client extracts the previously cached form template into a temporary directory and launches the client-specific browser integration.
3·When the client goes offline the browser will refer to those cached resources.
4·You can inspect hundreds of protocols, analyze live and offline capture, and work with a three-pane packet browser.
您可以检查数百个协议、分析实时和离线捕获以及使用包含 3 个窗格的包浏览器;
5·Users can now also take Silverlight applications and run them outside of the browser and even offline.
6·And Workplace forms includes a client forms viewer browser plug-in that provides users additional functionality, such as working with forms offline.
Workplace Forms还包含一个客户机表单查看器,这个浏览器插件向用户提供离线操作表单等额外功能。
7·Google Gears is an open source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features.
Google Gears是开源的浏览器扩展,它可让开发者创建能离线运行的Web应用程序。
8·And Lotus Domino 6.5 added support for the Mozilla 1.3.1 browser on Linux, including support for offline access in Lotus Domino Web access on a Linux client.
Lotus Domino 6.5增加了对Linux上的Mozilla 1.3.1浏览器的支持,包括对Linux客户机上离线访问Lotus Domino Web Access的支持。
9·Firefox 3 makes Web development even more of a pleasure, and with the addition of offline support, opens up the browser as a more viable general-purpose application platform.
Firefox 3令web开发更加轻松,通过添加脱机支持,使浏览器成为更加实用的通用应用程序平台。
10·Gears is an open-source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features.
更新时间:2025-03-23 08:41