on the analogy of




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1·The impact of the use of learning materials on the analogy of the factors that play a role in the study;
2·On the analogy of the magnetic and gravitational buoyancy forces, the concept of the magnetic acceleration is proposed.
3·So far in this series, I've used a simple domain based on the analogy of races and runners to demonstrate various data storage technologies.
到目前为止,在本 系列 中,我已经使用了一个基于比赛和参赛者类推关系的简单域展示了各种数据库存储技术。
4·Barry Boehm USES the analogy of stud poker 2 to illustrate the sponsors perspective on an iterative and incremental development project.
Barry Boehm使用stud poker的类比2对一个迭代式增量开发项目从发起人视角进行阐述。
5·Radestock begins the chapter in which he deals with the subject by citing a number of opinions which insist on the analogy between insanity and dreaming.
6·If the two things that are being compared aren't really alike in the relevant respects, the analogy is a weak one, and the argument that relies on it commits the fallacy of weak analogy.
7·A better analogy would be a railway station in a big city, where hustlers gather to prey on the credulity of new arrivals.
8·To stretch our analogy a bit, imagine that the water is spilling on a worktable with lots of exposed electrical wiring.
9·Just as with design debt's real-life financial analogy, there is an ongoing cost to service design debt, because of the impact on code maintainability.
10·In the ball analogy, the radius of the ball grows as the universe expands, but all points on the surface of the ball (the universe) recede from each other in an identical fashion.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:11