one in two




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1·In Ghana today, one in two people has access to telecom services.
2·Their latest survey suggests that in Baghdad that number is as high as one in two.
3·One in three cancers worldwide is skin-related; in the United States, that figure is one in two.
4·One in three consumers that recall seeing a mobile ad responded in some way; this rises to one in two for iPhone users
5·Many therapists and psychologists are aware that some patients (some studies put the number as high as one in two) come in for less than 3 sessions.
6·Brian Wanat of Aon, a broker, says that a few years ago only one in four hedge funds purchased management-liability insurance. Now it's closer to one in two.
怡安保险的一名经纪人布莱恩·瓦纳特(Brian Wanat)说,几年前仅有四分之一的对冲基金购买管理责任险,如今这一比例达到二分之一。
7·He is one of 200 children in the UK who have infantile Batten's disease which is so rare his parents' chance of meeting and conceiving him was only one in two billion.
8·At the same time, nearly two-thirds said they found it easier to balance work and personal commitments, and about one in two were "marginally" or "substantially" more relaxed.
9·Small savings will come from an old plan to replace only one in two retiring civil servants, and he says he will stop ministers claiming a salary and pension at the same time.
根据一项原来的计划,通过替换1/2的即将退休公务员也将节省一部分开支。 菲永还说他会阻止一些部长既要工资又要养老金的行为。
10·An estimated one in two of working prostitutes is living with the virus and the lack of medication led to a quarter of a million people dying of Aids-related illnesses there last year.
更新时间:2025-03-27 02:43