option switch

[电] 选择开关



[电] 选择开关;任选开关
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1·Temperature is sensed by a heating element of the hair straightening plate and temperature is regulated by an option switch.
2·And solutions often either can't anticipate the specific repository that will be in play or at least need the option to switch at some point down the road.
3·The main option I focus on in this article is the inline editor switch.
4·And again with an invalid switch or option.
5·Backwards compatibility (BC) and FC modes are always triggered by the version attribute, not by any processor switch or launch-time option.
6·After uploading multiple files, Bob can switch between files by clicking on the down arrow located beside the Publish option.
7·The first is to switch the active and standby instances by using the endmqm command with the -s option.
第一种方法是使用带 -s 选项的 endmqm 命令来切换活动和备用实例。
8·Do not forget to use the backup option to the -i switch.
不要忘了对- i开关使用备份选项。
9·A switch of the paging VIOS partition can be initiated through the HMC command line using the chhwres command with the -so option.
可以在HMC命令行上使用带- so选项的chhwres命令切换分页VIOS分区。
10·Note that the -dump switch USES the body_string function, whereas the -backup option we'll see later USES the message_string function.
请注意,- dump开关使用body_string函数,而稍后我们将看到的- backup选项使用message_string函数。
更新时间:2025-03-09 22:14