1·Cold back to mine the ore concentrate into specialized chutes, feeder by the disk will be returned to the ore unloading machine belt.
2·A description is given of the tests for imitating the accelerating flow in the pipeline transport of Jian Shan iron ore concentrate slurries.
3·According to low output of ta and Nb ore concentrate and short supply of raw materials for metallurgy in China, the countermeasures are presented.
4·The scraper is adopted to unload the ore concentrate; and compared with the traditional washing water unloading way, the water saving effect is remarkable.
5·Based on the process mineralogy research on improving iron concentrate grade and recovery, reduce the phosphorus content in iron ore concentrate is proposed.
6·The invention relates to a one-arm telpher at the top of an agitator bath, which serves as a conveying device for an iron ore concentrate pulp agitator bath.
7·With the growth of the steel product, in addition to the locally produced iron ore concentrate, Baogang also uses the out-purchased iron ore concentrate as an addition.
8·Since Jiuquan iron ore concentrate has particularly chemical, mineralogical and sintering characters, the productivity of sinter made of, that concentrate is quite low.
9·Using sponge iron reduced by iron ore concentrate powder as raw material, the smelting process of pure iron is investigated through non vacuum induction furnace and vacuum induction furnace.
10·The floatation-ore concentrate cyanidation process is usually used for vulcanized primary ore and the ores with low silt content and high recovery rate that are easy to concentrate during floatation.
1·According to low output of ta and Nb ore concentrate and short supply of raw materials for metallurgy in China, the countermeasures are presented.
2·A description is given of the tests for imitating the accelerating flow in the pipeline transport of Jian Shan iron ore concentrate slurries.
3·The invention relates to a one-arm telpher at the top of an agitator bath, which serves as a conveying device for an iron ore concentrate pulp agitator bath.