petronas towers




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1·The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2·JULIA: and then by 1996, the Petronas Towers were constructed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was claimed to be the tallest.
3·The famous twin Petronas Towers, which gloriously lit up the night sky when I went to bed, are lost in heavy mist when I open the curtains.
昨夜入眠之时,著名的国油双子塔(twin Petronas Towers)还辉煌地照耀着夜空。 而等到我打开窗帘的时候,双子塔已经消失在浓浓的迷雾之中。
4·Next morning, the Malaysian sun is blazing down and even at 10am, the short walk to the Petronas Towers in the financial district is hard going.
第二天早上,马来西亚的日头火辣灼人。 即使在早上10点,要走完到金融区国油双子塔的那段短短路程也显得十分艰难。
5·The famous twin Petronas Towers, which gloriously lit up the night sky when I went to bed, are lost in heavy mist when I open the curtains.
6·The $1.7 billion Taipei 101 last year surpassed the twin Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, which Robert has also scaled, as the world's tallest building.
造价17亿美元的台北101大楼去年刚刚落成,它超过了吉隆坡的双子塔,成为世界第一高楼。 罗伯特曾攀上过双子塔。
7·The following day, we head into Kuala Lumpur for lunch inside the beautiful Petronas Twin Towers.
8·Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Twin Towers shine extra brightly at night. Elaborate lights have been set up to mark the Lunar New Year.
9·Heavy security was in place to protect the 80 runners carrying the Olympic torch along a 10-mile (16 km) route through the Malaysian capital, ending at the Petronas Twin Towers.
更新时间:2025-03-26 06:23