1·My first app is The Phone Code.
2·Simply dial a code into your phone and wait for the driverless car to arrive at a nearby station.
3·You are prompted for city, state, country, zip code, time zone, and phone information.
4·And, of course, remember to lock your phone with a security code or pattern.
5·Under the BSD license, the company can keep this code proprietary so that company B can't use the same code for their new phone.
6·Then, when shopping at participating merchants, they can scan a smart phone with a unique code.
7·I called the phone company and asked for the pass code to his mobile - I was paying his account so it was in my name anyway.
8·The only other step is to contact (by phone, or E-mail, or in some cases, paper documentation) the developers who use your code if you don't build a customer-facing component.
9·Being able to run code from 2003 on a current phone is more important to our customers than a fancy UI (which Microsoft seems not able to get right anyway).
10·While shopping, he finds an item he wants, snaps a picture of the bar code with his cell phone, and places the item in his cart.