pick spot




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1·Attracting numbers of birds continually to the same spot can be harmful to them, particularly species that pick food from the ground contaminated by the droppings of other birds.
2·Now, scientists are building the next rover to be sent to Mars. But before they fuel the rockets, researchers have to pick a spot to explore.
3·If you want maximum scare impact, find a spot that's dark, quiet, and secluded, and pick a time when you won't be interrupted.
4·It also makes a fantastic house plant for a cool spot so you can pick the flowers from the table in front of you as you eat. They'll flower from October to March/April.
也可以把它引种到家里,作一钵子作为亮丽的点缀,摆在跟前的桌子上随吃随摘。 它的花从10月一直开到三四月。
5·So if a scientist wanted to study the microorganisms living on each side of a temperature gradient, the AUV would find the boundary, follow it, and pick the best spot to take samples.
6·Some people show up and just pick a spot at the table and immediately check their email or pull up their notes.
7·Pick a spot and stare at it until you think of something to do.
8·7 PM - Explore Chinatown's exotic food markets and gift shops, and pick a spot for dinner.
7 pm - - -在“探游华埠”的异国风味市场和礼品店中找个地方吃个晚饭。
9·But does that mean you should pick a career path in something that doesn't appeal to you, just because it's a hot growth spot?
10·You'll be able to spot a number of issues just by re-reading, and you might pick up a few potential bugs, too.
仅仅通过阅读代码,您就可以发现一些问题,还可能发现一些潜在的 bug。
更新时间:2025-03-29 08:44