1·On April Fool's day people often play pranks on each other.
2·Frederick the Great, king of Prussia (1740-86), was as willing as the next man to play pranks.
普鲁士国王(1740 - 86)腓特烈大帝和任何人一样喜欢恶作剧。
3·These show that the motive for producing such evidence may come from belief, rather than from any wish to mislead or play pranks.
4·Virtual stun gun with realistic visual, sound and vibration effects. Use it to trick and play pranks on people. Completely harmless to use.
5·People believed that October 31st was the time when all the evil spirits were supposed to be active. So people would play all sorts of pranks on each other.
6·On no other day are you "legally" allowed to play jokes and pranks on your friends, family and co-workers and have a built-in excuse.
7·Rachael: Can you give me any new anecdotes about any of the actors during filming? Did they play a lot of pranks?
8·Choose the right time and place. Pranks are fun to play, but realise when the time is inappropriate.
9·So what kind of pranks do people play on April Fool's Day?
10·Sometimes in pleasant weather it was a consolation to look upon the cow's pranks as an intelligent attempt to play hide and seek.
有时候,遇到天气好, 把牛的恶作剧看成一次饶有兴味的捉迷藏游戏, 倒也可以解解闷儿。