1·But to unleash the ECB or to embrace eurobonds could precipitate a domestic crisis that would be almost as catastrophic.
2·One broad area of agreement is that ample “liquidity” encouraged the lax lending that led to bad mortgage debts, and a sudden dearth of it helped to precipitate the crisis.
目前一个广泛的共识是,太多的“流动性”造成贷款泛滥,贷款泛滥导致恶劣的楼宇抵押债务,并且,流动性的突然短缺促使危机的突然加剧。 那么“流动性”是什么?
3·Japan's old guard worries that radical steps will precipitate an economic crisis, and so prefers the status quo.It does not realise how inherently dangerous the status quo is.
4·Worse, the treaty could precipitate a new financial crisis.
5·Japan's old guard worries that radical steps will precipitate an economic crisis, and so prefers the status quo.
6·"At a time when everybody is needing to sacrifice, there has to be a similar sense of sacrifice on the part of those that helped to precipitate this crisis," Obama told the Financial Times.
7·Any disruption to farm supplies may precipitate a uniquely urban food crisis in a relatively short time.
8·For some, a crisis may precipitate the conversation.
9·All this will precipitate an economic crisis.
10·Japan's old guard worries that radical steps will precipitate an economic crisis, and so prefers the status quo. It does not realise how inherently dangerous the status quo is.