product summary




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1·The company has many years of cooperation between the manufacturer, the product summary Clearance.
2·A product information design pattern might then require a product summary topic and at least one of each of these subordinate collections in that order.
3·The user wants to initially view the report with details which show all the product names and prices but then wants to switch to view a summary report showing just categories and total prices.
4·Let's say you want to highlight the title, product, and summary of your search results.
5·As Product line is a projected query item, the filter for this particular report would be the original summary filter of.
由于Product line是一个已投射查询项目,那么这个特殊报告的过滤器将会是原始摘要过滤器。
6·Although the Product line has been replaced with the Product type query item, the summary filter is still in place and scoped on a now non-projected data item "Product line".
尽管Product line现在已经替换为Product type查询项目,但摘要过滤器仍然就位,并以一个现在没有投射的数据项目“Product line”为范围。
7·In this scenario, the list object will need to be associated to a new master query which consists of only the Product line data item with no summary filter.
在这个场景中,列表对象需要关联到一个新的主查询,该查询只包含没有摘要过滤器的Product line数据项。
8·The Summary screen shows the preferences specified for the product installation.
9·The leftmost list still consists of Quantity sold by Product type and Sales region with the groupings on Product type and Sales region and a summary calculation on Quantity sold.
最左边的列表仍然包含按Product type和Sales region列示的Quantity sold,按Product type和Sales region进行分组,Quantity sold有一个摘要计算。
10·In this scenario, the right list object and the page set grouping will need to be associated to another query which consists of Product line, Product type and Revenue with no summary filter.
在这个场景中,右边的列表对象和页面集分组需要关联到另一个查询,该查询包含Product line、Product type和Revenue,但不包含摘要过滤器。
更新时间:2025-03-10 18:15