public document




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1·It also allows you to create your own document formats that support public document properties.
2·Such valuation report ought to be published for public disclosure or the valuation result has to be referred by public document.
3·According to the public document, Woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016, giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt.
4·What does it mean when a Web site says a picture or document is in the public domain?
5·To sign a portion of an XML document, you need a private key and a public certificate.
要对 XML 文档的内容进行签名,您需要一个私钥和一个公开证书。
6·What does it mean when a Web site says a picture or document is in the public domain? Does that mean I can use it for my own purposes?
7·It had a classified footnote that said "information in this document shall not be released to the public or the media".
8·A large epidemiological study to document the overall public health effects on children and adolescents of living with dogs and cats.
9·For example, you can use an entity catalog to specify the location from which an XML processor loads a Document Type Definition (DTD), given the system and public identifiers for that DTD.
比如,给定一个DTD(文档类型定义,Document Type Definition)的系统标识符和公共标识符,实体目录(entity catalog)可用于规定XML处理程序从哪里加载dtd。
10·The region also contains a public procedure named _shutdown, which gets called automatically by the loader as the application closes the document.
该区域还包含名为_ Shutdown的公共过程,该过程在应用程序关闭文档时自动被加载程序调用。
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:17