real earnings

[金融] 实际收益



[金融] 实际收益
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1·Given high unemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a working wife can increase household income and relieve some of these pressing financial burdens.
2·The financial sector is one of the few in which real earnings have actually risen over the last year.
3·In the past 20 years the average real earnings of Chinese urban male workers have increased by 350 per cent.
4·Just a 10 percent increase in body mass index, a measure of weight relative to height, can cut a man's real earnings by 3.3 percent and a woman's by 1.8 percent, according to economists.
5·The risk of stock market refers to the possibility of security value loss and the deviation of real earnings from expected returns, which can be both earning deviation and capital loss.
6·Since her celebrity and earnings depend on keeping the speculation alive, opinion about her real intentions is divided.
7·His goods exist only online, but his earnings are real.
8·Although stock prices and earnings move up and down violently, dividends have been more reliable, typically falling from the peak of a cycle to its trough by only one-tenth in real terms.
9·Althoughstock prices and earnings move up and down violently, dividends have been more reliable, typically fallingfrom the peak of a cycle to its trough by only one-tenth in real terms.
10·During his firm's earnings call, Sam Molinaro, Bear Stearns's chief financial officer, said 'the gains were real,' adding that 'there's someone on the other side of that trade who lost money.'
贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)首席财务长萨姆•莫利纳罗(Sam Molinaro)在公司的收益电话会议上说,这些所得是真实的,交易的另一面的确有人出现了损失。
更新时间:2025-03-25 03:30