receipt notice




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1·In this scenario, the shipper sends the retailer advance shipment notice events and the receiver sends back receipt notices to the shipper.
2·Typically, this involves attaching a copy of the receipt notice for the extension along with a copy of the alien's I-94 to the I-9 kept on file.
一般来说只要将延期申请的收据影本及这个外国人的I - 94表影本与I - 9表一起建档及可。
3·The procurement department shall initiate the Receipt Notice (RN, Exhibit 0702-2) and deliver the RN with vendor supplied documents to the QC Inspector for receiving inspection.
采购部应发出收货通知(RN,附件0702-2) ,并应将该收货通知随附供应商文件一并提交给质量控制检验员(QC),由其进行来料检验。
4·The insurer shall remain liable for the necessary and reasonable expenses paid by the insured for avoiding or minimizing the loss prior to his receipt of the said notice.
5·Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight Courier.
6·The accidental omission to give notice of a general meeting, or the non‑receipt of notice of a meeting by any person entitled to receive notice, shall not invalidate the proceedings of that meeting.
7·Upon receipt of such written notice, Seller shall stop work to the extent and on the date specified in the notice.
8·Party A shall commence repair and maintenance within 7 days after receipt of Party B's notice.
9·The Party in breach shall have thiry (30) days from receipt of a notice form the other Party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable.
10·During the Term, each Party may change its particulars for receipt of notices at any time by notice given to the other Party in accordance with this Article 19.7.
在合同期限内,一方可随时根据第19.7 (a)条规定通知另一方变更通知送达地址。
更新时间:2025-03-10 11:05